Monday, April 25, 2016

Week 19

This week was another week of miracles. I feel so blessed! On Tuesday, my companion and I began our day at 10:30 in the morning and we walked almost the entire day because no one would let us in. We were freezing cold and exhausted. I said a prayer asking for help like I never have before. We decided to knock on one more door before we started to head home. A man named Emanuel answered the door and before we knew it, 6 other men filled the doorway. All of them are from Haiti. These men all left their families in Haiti to work in Santiago for money. Hardly any of them speak Spanish yet but speak a combination of Creole and French. To say teaching them was hard would be an understatement but the Spirit is able to speak all languages and helped us so much! We invited them to attend church with us and all of them did! All 3 hours together. I know whatever is important to us is important to God. I feel so blessed to be a missionary in Santiago Chile because I get to meet people all over the world! Right now we have investigators from Peru, Haiti, Colombia, Ecuador and Spain. I know this church is true and that it is for EVERYONE. I know Christ lives and is aware of us and our needs. 

No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done.’
I love you all and hope this week is amazing. 

Hermana Beardall
Investigators from Haiti
Attending church


Sister Bohling from the CCM

Yes, hot dogs, avocados and mystery meat....all of my favorite things. :)


Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Week 18

This week was easily the craziest week of my life. It hasn’t stopped raining for 4 whole days! It rained so hard yesterday we had to stay inside after church. The city is flooded and because of landslides, the drinking water is bad and we were without water for 2 days. But we are seriously SO blessed. I have never been so grateful for my Father in Heaven as I have been this week. My companion and I for a whole month have been praying and fasting, fasting and praying for a baptism on the 9th or 16th of April. At the beginning of the week we were so upset because we had no one for the 16th. Tuesday night we were visiting with one of our investigators, Norma and her spouse Francisco, who is less-active. We talked about baptism with them and began talking about his baptism. He didn’t remember much and didn’t remember ever being confirmed. I didn’t think much of it but when we left, my companion hurried and called the office to have them search for his registro de bautismo (I literally don’t remember this word in English, sorry. haha) Long story short, the elders couldn’t find anything saying he was confirmed so they told us that he needed to be baptized again. We visited with him the next day and explained the situation and he said, "It’s okay, I want to be baptized again!"

Then, on Saturday morning we were told we couldn’t have a baptism because there was NO WATER in all of Santiago. We prayed and prayed and prayed and water turned on right before the baptism!!! Seriously such a miracle, God is so aware of us.
Funny story of the week. This week during our zone meeting a man broke into the church and began stealing a mini fridge. Elder Checketts, a senior missionary, thought he was a repair man and began helping him. He literally helped some man rob the church. Poor guy. haha This week was cambios.... And I am in Parque O Higgins for another 6 weeks with Hermana Galeano! She finishes her mission here with me. We are so excited to work together and hopefully experience more miracles together. HAVE AN AMAZING WEEK FOLKS 
Francisco's Baptism

Eggs and Fruit
Me and 'Elder' Galeano

We finally have food again!

Republica Zone

Girl Power!
My District together for the last time!


Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Week 17

Another week has come and gone. This week had many trials and triumphs but I am grateful for all of it! I love serving here in Santiago and I love the people I get to serve. I think every missionary dreams of the golden investigator that has no problems, no addictions, and is ready to be baptized. I sure have been hoping for a golden investigator until this week. I realized those that have the most problems and addictions need the gospel the most. Most of our investigators smoke or have problems within the family and I wouldn’t want it any other way. Christ spent most of His time with the poor in Spirit and the sinners. I know everyone here is a child of God. This week an investigator got super heated during our message and started asking a bunch of questions to trick us. He was basically just being a huge stinker. At this time I was so filled with the Spirit and said in perfect Spanish, (translated for all you gringos) "I don’t know a lot of things Rick (fake name to protect his identity) My Spanish is pretty bad and I am only 19 years old. But Rick, I know one thing. I know Jesus Christ loves you and I know this is His church. I know He wants you to be happy and that is possible through this gospel." He was completely quiet for a while and then told us to come back next week and teach him more. I am so grateful for the Holy Ghost and I know missionary work is impossible without it. I hope we all can have a little more compassion this week and not judge each other. We all have our own problems and are hurting in our own ways. I LOVE YOU GUYS. Have the best week of your lives! 

Hermana Beardall
Cute houses we saw today.
District Meeting
I officially teach English in my ward now. The best night ever!
A session in the temple-My favorite place on earth! 
A picnic in the park
It rained a ton this week. This is me smiling through the tears! Ha Ha!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Week 16

This week was crazy good! (Because I get to teach Gods children all day, every day and especially because I was able to watch General Conference.) I was completely overwhelmed with love this weekend as I watched Conference. Love for the prophet and his apostles, love for this gospel and most importantly love for my Savior. I also was overwhelmed with love for the people of Chile. Many don’t have a way to watch Conference at home so almost everyone comes to the stake center to watch it. During the break no one goes home because not many have cars so we all ate lunch in classrooms together as families. I loved it! The people here are so cute! I love how dedicated they are to this gospel. This week I also got to go to Cerro Santa Lucia which is some famous place here in Santiago. I can’t tell you why its famous but it was cool. haha I love this city! Smog, millions of Catholics, Spanish and all. The biggest thing I have learned on the mission is patience. Patience with my investigators obviously and with my companion. But mostly with patience to wait for blessings. I am a firm believer that blessings will come to those who wait….. WITH FAITH.
I love you all. Have an amazing week.
Hermana B

 General Conference
 Lunch with members between sessions
Cerro Santa Lucia on P-day


Packages from home for me and  Hermana Galeano.