Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Week #3

A mission is hard. Much harder than I had even imagined. But I know if I were to come home tomorrow, which I am not don’t worry, I would already be forever changed. I have only been gone 3 weeks and still have a longggg way to go but I have already learned so much! I have learned most importantly that Christ has and will be with me every step of the way. Not only on my mission but for the rest of my life. Since being out here I have written a thing a day of something Christ has blessed me with in my journal. I challenge you all to do that too! You will be amazed at how blessed you are. This week has been amazing though!! I have had some health stomach issues, I am okay don’t stress, but I was told to go sleep last Friday afternoon instead of going to my classes. I was so frustrated because I wanted to keep learning Spanish but I obeyed. After a few hours, Hermana Doll, the MTC president’s wife, came in to check on me. *one of the many perks of the Chile MTC is she knows all 45 of us and checks on us daily* She went and made us a big fruit bowl with yogurt and we just sat and talked together for almost an hour. She asked me what I did before my mission and I told her I worked a lot to pay for my mission. When she found out I payed for it all on my own she got teary eyed and said, Hermana Beardall, this is why you are having a rough time. Satan knows how bad you want to be out here/your potential and you scare him to death! I needed to hear that sooo bad.. I just want you all to know that I know with every part of me that this church is true. I know the gift of tongues is real! I have been reading my English Book of Mormon next to my Spanish Book of Mormon an hour a day and it has been so frustrating. But I have picked up on so much more by studying the Book of Mormon than by flashcards or any other studying strategy. The Book of Mormon has SO much power and I love it so much. I am now praying in Spanish, bearing my testimony in Spanish, and communicating with the Latino missionaries more. I feel your prayers every day and I am strengthened by them greatly. Elder Holland said, You missionaries are the most prayed for group of people in the world. Thousands of people pray for the missionaries daily! I totally believe that so thank you for your prayers! And please keep them coming. hahaha I love you guys. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you. Read Alma 26*1 but insert Arizona instead of Zarahemla. I had no idea when I left home that I would be so blessed. Remember, FAITH IS NOT FAITH UNTIL ITS BEEN TRIED! 

PS. I am officially the piano player here and I don’t even get nervous anymore. Thank you for my piano lessons mom and dad...haha 

I ATE A CUMPLETO THIS WEEK! Yes it is as awful as it looks. Esta bien


MTC Home Sweet Home!
Cool Wall in Santiago
                                                                  Santiago Temple


New Year's Eve Party!

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