Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Week 51

Okay being a missionary during Christmas time is the best! Our mission has gotten so excited for #illuminatetheworld and we have been sharing it with everyone! If you haven't seen the video I beg of you to go watch it and share it with everyone you possibly can. I am really trying to lose myself in the service of others this month to not think about home and invite you all to serve every day before Christmas too.
This week we found a family that began progressing so fast! We had a family home evening with them this Saturday and they assisted Sunday. There is a happiness I can't describe in teaching a family and watching them change drastically. I feel overwhelmed with gratitude for my family and the life I have had with them thanks to this gospel. Yesterday marked 12 years since I was baptized and even though I didn't fully understand the decision I was making, I am so grateful I did. And also so grateful for my parents for raising me with the gospel in our home. 
I know this life is not easy but with Christ, it is more than doable.
He lives.
He loves us.
He knows us.
He understands us.
He knows the silent pleadings of our hearts.
He will never abandon us.

I love you all and pray for you daily. Have a stellar week you hooligans. 
Hermana Beardall 
#Illuminatetheworld - My friend Patricia

Having Family Home Evening with an investigator family.

STL Training

It's been a LONG LONG Day! Gift from Pamela and Felipe. 

My companions and our new apartment.
My desk. :)


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