Thursday, March 3, 2016

Week 10

This week was difficult for my companion and I. The last few weeks we have had so many people to teach and investigators with baptismal dates and overall a lot of success. And one by one they have told us to stop coming. So this week we did a lot of contacting to find others to teach. I took a tally to see how many doors we knocked on and how many people actually let us teach them. We knocked on 127 doors and 4 let us teach them. But this experience has made me appreciate the 4 so much more! I am grateful for trials and what I am able to learn from them. This week I am especially grateful for The Book of Mormon. I thought I had a testimony of it before I left, which I did. But it was small. Something changes when you have to carry a Book of Mormon with you at all times and tell people all day long you know it is true. It is impossible to testify of something without having a burning testimony of it. So I have prayed more than I ever have before to know for myself and I testify that is it true. The Book of Mormon is the word of God and I love it more than I can say. I challenge you all to read it and find out for yourselves! The primary purpose of the BOM is to convince everyone that Jesus is the Christ. Some of my favorite scriptures are Helaman 5:12, 2 Nephi 27:23, Mosiah 24:14, Ether 12:6, and Alma 36:3. I share these with people every day all day.

I love you all and pray for you guys so much. Have an amazing week, say your prayers, and remember God loves you. 
Con amor,
Hermana Beardall
PS/ This week at a family’s home I prayed "por favor bendice las comida con seguridad" which means with safety.. And that is not okay to say here. Luckily everyone just died laughing. 
PSS. I got called as the ward pianist so that has been fun.
Weaknesses become strengths
Challenges become opportunities
Trials become triumphs
Adversity becomes adventure

Bishop's house
 Hermana Morrell
 Church with Lisette
 Our Goals
 Hermana Cornejo
 View of the sunset....minus the sunset
 Lunch at the Mission President's home
Our District

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